Mentions and links
Here are some mentions in the media, and comments from people or support our work.
Below are links to useful resources for more information.
27 August 20

‘The pity of war and of mankind’
A blog by Kit Byatt about our initiative was published on The Tablet website, here.
31 Jul 20
Our project was the cover story in the Friend, the weekly journal for British Quakers, last week. If you have a subscription, you can read the whole article, which is here.
30 Jul 20

This article in the 30 July edition of Quake! sets out how Pity of War began an update on the work of Britain Yearly Meeting and Quakers in Britain.
Interesting and useful links:
- Action on Armed Violence website page: ‘Impact on civilians‘
This page has reports (42 so far, since June 2012) on aspects of the effects of conflict on civilians. The pieces cover the effects of different weapons and tactics, in a variety of conflicts, and on different groups of people (not least women and children).